Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Kinematics (Review)

1. Definition

Speed - Is the velocity of a object which is in motion over a period of time.
Distance - Is the space between two different objects, both moving and stationary objects.
Displacement  - Is an imaginary path from one object to another, and it must be the shortest path.
Total distance travelled - Is a numerical amount of space covered by the object in motion over a certain period of time. It can only be calculated after the object is not in motion.
Time - Is to measure a sequence in numerical value, and it can be used to find speed of a particular object, given the total distance travelled.
Velocity - Is the speed of an object in motion, with the direction as well.
Average speed - Is the common constant speed calculated after an object moves a certain distance over a period of time.
Acceleration - Is the motion of speed increasing over a period of time.
Deceleration - Is the motion of speed decreasing over a period of time.

2. Formulae (Relationship)

Distance - Time Graph: This graph shows the amount of distance an object takes and the time it takes to move that distance. You can find the speed of the object by its gradient. A straight horizontal line on this graph shows that the object is stationary. A straight sloping up line shows constant speed. A concave line shows . A convex line shows acceleration. 
Speed - Time Graph: This shows the speed of an object at a certain time. A straight horizontal line shows constant speed. A straight sloping up line shows constant acceleration.  
Velocity - Time Graph: This shows the speed and direction of an object at a certain time. A straight horizontal line shows no speed in no apparent direction. A sloping up line shows acceleration forwards.

3. Key learning points from motion detector activity.

•We have learned how to use the motion detector and can pally this knowledge to future projects in which we may need to use it,we will have a good idea on how to operate the device as well as how to tabulate the results in Ti-Nspire
•We have learned how the speed over time differs from the velocity over time graph.It shows us the huge difference and the impact of the actions of the person moving and how it affects both graphs and how to be able to see two graph change with the same movements made by the person.
•We have learned that the results from the motion detector can be plotted on a graph in terms of distance from the motion detector as well as velocity.The graphs also help us grasp the concept of velocity and distance with the changes of the persons movement from a position to another.

Done by: Adil, Kenneth, Mateen, Yu Tao and Me

1 comment:

  1. Commendable effort
    suggestion to include:
    A concave line shows ...deceleration
